Shabbat - easy or hard?

Cards (5)

  • EASY
    • Allows Jews to have quality family time, away from busy everyday lives.
    • Opportunity for regular breaks from work and technology.
    • Time to think about their religious beliefs.
  • EASY
    • Allows Jews to demonstrate obedience to the torah and observe the Decalogue (10 Commandments) - found in Exodus chapter 20.
    • Deuteronomy says important to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbour as yourself.” - Shabbat enables both.
    • Obeying two of the mitzvoth and remembering freedom of the Israelites from slavers in Egypt - enables Jews to keep alive the Haggadah (story) of salvation and Halakah (laws) which enables keeping of the covenant - remember history.
  • EASY
    • Visiting synagogue as ‘beit knesset’ reminds they belong to community.
    • Kiddush prayers said at home and sung by Chazzan remind God is merciful and makes provision for his people.
    • Non-religious Jews have family meal as recognise benefit.
  • HARD
    • Jews may have to leave work early on Friday, as begins sunset Friday evenings - meaning starting as early as 15:29 in winter months - could be problematic if difficult to leave early.
    • Students may have to leave school early and miss important lessons.
    • A lot of preparation for Orthodox Jews who take laws seriously- expected to turn off electrical devices: ovens, dishwashers, lights - have to set timers to turn lighting in and off, prepare meal before.
  • HARD
    • List of prohibited task and activities during Shabbat - AVOT MELAKHAH
    • Difficult for modern families as may have to walk miles to get to nearest synagogue on saturday morning.