Week 4

Cards (17)

  • Every organisation has purposes for which it was established. Libraries are established primarily to acquire, organise through processing, and preserve information materials. These materials are to be made available and accessible to you to satisfy your information needs.
  • To perform the primary as well as other duties of the library, the library is organised into various departments or divisions with specific duties to perform. The size of the library usually determines the way it is organised.
  • Some big libraries departmentalised each of their activities. Other smaller libraries may have to combine two or more activities in one department.
  • Some departments usually render services directly to the patrons while others render "behind-the-scene" services.
  • Lagos State University (LASU) library is an example of academic libraries. As in most other universities, LASU library has branches in its other campuses, schools, faculties and departments.
  • University Librarian
    Heads the libraries and is responsible for the overall administration of the departments or divisions at the main university library as well as the branch libraries
  • Departments found at the Lagos State University library
    • Administrative Department
    • Collection Development Department
    • Technical Services Department
    • Readers' Services Department
    • Education Department
  • Administrative Department
    1. Coordination of human, physical and material resources of the library
    2. Formulation of library policies
    3. Regulations governing operations of the library, provision of library materials, library services, library loans and loan period, and opening hours
    4. Physical and financial planning, organisation, controlling; recruitment; training and evaluation of staff; maintenance and security of library materials and properties
  • Units in the Administrative Department
    • Systems Planning Unit
    • Personnel/Finances Unit
    • Publications Unit
  • Collection Development Department
    1. Acquisition of suitable materials (books, and non-books) for teaching, learning, research and recreational activities in the university
    2. Keeping statistical records of materials ordered and received
    3. Acquisition through purchase, gifts, exchange, donations and bequests, as well as legal deposit
  • Sections in the Collection Development Department
    • Acquisitions Section
    • Gifts and Exchange Section
    • Serials Section
  • Technical Services Department
    1. Cataloguing and classification of library resources
    2. Maintenance of the library catalogue (card catalogue and/or Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC))
  • Sections in the Technical Services Department
    • Cataloguing and Classification Section
    • Bindery Section
    • Electronic Library Section
  • Readers' Services Department
    1. Registering library users
    2. Shelving and shelf reading of books
    3. Charging and discharging of resources
    4. Maintenance of an effective administration, ensuring security of library resources and facilities as well as maintenance of library rules and regulations
    5. Keeping and making reference materials available and accessible to users
    6. Teaching users on how to use reference materials
    7. Issuing letter of introduction to users who desire to use other libraries
    8. Conducting literature search and advising users on materials to use for their assignments and research projects
    9. Keeping study/research materials that are in constant demand but are limited in quantity
    10. Providing photocopying service to library clientele
  • Sections in the Readers' Services Department
    • Circulation Section
    • Reference Section
    • Reserved Book Section
    • Reprography Section
  • Education Department
    1. Bibliographic training on the use of the library and its resources
    2. Teaching of GNS 101: Use of Library
    3. Organising and conducting library orientation for new students (undergraduates and postgraduates)
    4. Carrying out library exhibition on topics, dates and events of special interest
  • The various departments discussed above and the services they render provision of effective and efficient library services.