Performing blood transfusion
1. Determine whether patient knows reason for transfusion
2. Explain to patient what will happen, check for signed consent, advise patient to report any chills, itching, rash, or unusual symptoms
3. Give premedications if ordered (acetaminophen to prevent febrile nonhemolytic reaction, diphenhydramine for allergic reactions)
4. Hang container of 0.9% normal saline with blood administration set, initiate infusion
5. Start IV with gauge 18 or 19, run normal saline at KVO
6. Obtain the blood product
7. Complete identification and checks (serial number, blood component, blood type, Rh factor, expiration date, screening tests)
8. Take baseline vital signs
9. Start infusion of blood (thaw first), prime in-line filter with blood, start administration slowly (25-50ml for the first 15 minutes), stay with the patient for the first 5-15 minutes of transfusion, check vital signs every 15 minutes for 1 hour
10. Observe patient for flushing, dyspnea, itching, hives, rash
11. Consume blood within 4 hours
12. Assess frequently for transfusion reactions