
Cards (11)

  • mouth - it facilitates the mastication of food and the swallowing of food
  • esophagus- where food boli travels before entering the stomach
  • stomach- temporarily stores and digests food, produces hydrochloric acid
  • peristalsis is the involuntary movement of muscles creating wave-like movements that push the contents of the canal forward.
  • chyme- mixture of food that has been broken down by the enzymes in the stomach
  • small intestine- absorbs nutrients from chyme and transports them to the blood
  • pyloric sphincter- muscular ring of tissue that controls the flow of food from the stomach to the small intestine
  • large intestine- absorbs water and electrolytes from food and produces feces
  • rectum- stores faeces and waste products from the small intestine
  • liver- produces bile; breaks down fat through emulsification; filters medicine & alcohol from blood
  • pancreas- produces pancreatic juice and insulin