food selection model

Cards (5)

  • Australia guide to healthy eating
    2- vegetables 30%,
    chickpeas and beans. high in nutrients, such as fibre, protein and folate.
    2- fruits 10-12%
    vitamins, minerals, contributes to weight gain if not used for energy
    1-grains 30-35%
    bread, rice and pasta. High fibre and low in energy = weight management lean meats
    5- milk, yoghurt and cheese 10-12%
    rich in calcium and required for optimal bone development
    3- lean meat 15%
    provide protein for development of hard/soft tissues, energy and blood
    contain iron and vitamin B12 - production of red blood cells
  • what is a health star rating?
    a labelling system that rates the overall
    nutritional profile of packaged food and assigns it a rating from ½ a
    star to 5 stars on the front of the pack.
    It provides a quick, easy, standard way to compare similar
    packaged foods. The more stars, the healthier the choice.
    The Health Star Ratings system is based on comparing energy
    (kilojoules), risk nutrients, such as saturated fat, sodium (salt)
    and sugars and protective (positive) nutrients such as dietary
    fibre, protein and the proportion of fruit and vegetable, nut
  • Healthy Eating Pyramid
    Developed by Nutrition Australia, a non-government organisation
  • Healthy Eating Pyramid
    • Represents foods from the 6 basic food groups
    • Arranges them into four levels
    • Indicates the proportion of different types of food that should be consumed
    1. herbs and spices
    2. water
    3. vegetables and legumes
    4. fruit
    5. grain
    6. lean meat, poultry, fish, egg, nuts, seed, legume
    7. milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternative
    8. healthy fats
    9. limit salt and added sugar