Cards (11)

  • Comic book - Refers to any format that uses a combination of frames, words, and pictures to convey meaning and tell a story.
  • A comic book that exceeds 50 pages and is bound in either soft or hard cover, becomes a GRAPHIC NOVEL.
  • Publisher - the company responsible for publishing the book
  • Main title - title of comic denoting the series it belong to
  • Cover image - meant to grab the reader's attention. Usually depicts the scene fro the book.
  • Subtitle: title of individual issue
  • Credits - list of contributors of the book. Usually the writer is first, followed by the artist and the inker.
  • Panel - a single image is contained within it.
  • Gutter - space between panels
  • Dialogue balloon - words spoken by indicated character
  • Thought bubble - contains the thoughts of the indicated character.