Description: arched feet, no ape-like bigtoe, brain was larger than Ardi, but still similar in sized to a chimpanzee's. Walkedupright, but more efficiently than Ardi
Discovered: 3.2million years ago
How do stone tools provide evidence for human evolution?
They have developed over time, becoming sharper, with more complexuses
Newer, sharper tools were used for arrowheads, fishhooks and needles
How can fossils and stone tools be dated?
Carbondating (if it has carbon), stratigraphy (looking at how deep the object was found), looking at structuralfeatures and comparing to already discovered fossils
What is a pentadactyl limb?
A limb with five digits
What are the five kingdoms?
Plants, Animals, Prokaryotes, Protists, and Fungi
What are prokaryotes?
unicellular organisms that lack a nucleus
What are the three domains?
Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya
What is the eukarya domain?
organisms that have eukaryoticcells (a true nucleus)
Ex. plants, animals, protists, fungi
What is the archaea domain?
it consists of unicellularorganisms with no nucleus.
What is archaea?
prokaryotes that often live in Earth's extreme environments
What is in the domain eukarya?
-the largest and most morphologicallycomplex organisms on the tree of life
-includes algae, plants, fungi, and animals
Describe selective breeding?
1) from existing stock, select the ones with desirable characteristics
2) breed them with each other
3) select the best offspring then breed them together
4) continue over several generations
What is biological control?
The use of a predator or parasite to control a pestspecies.