buisness chp32

Cards (14)

  • gross national product
    total value of goods and services produced by irish companies or individuals both in ireland and abroad
  • calculating economic growth
    change un value between year 1 year 2 - value of production year 1 multiply 100
  • benefits of positive economic growth to your area
    • new buisness start ups will reduce unemployment
    • income rises
    • the goverment has more money to spend on health and education
    • young people will not feel the need to emigrate
  • economies change over time depending on both internal and external factors . these changes are reffered to as the economic cycle
  • achieving positive economic growth
    • inflation is kept low so people are encouraged to buy more goods and services
    • interest rates are low so that people will borrow money to start buisnesses
    • wages increase and other costs are kept low so that buisnesses can grow
    • the goverment budgets well and and reduces the amount they have to borrow
  • economic boom descibes a period of substantial economic growth in an economy over a period of time
    during a boom period ;
    wage levels rise
    production increases
    prices increase
  • a recession describes a period of economioc , activity has dropped considerably over a number of months
    during a recession ;
    • there is slowdown in production
    • employment levels fall
    • demand falls as people see a decline in their income
    • goverment income falls
    • some firms experience difficulty and close
    • there is low infaltion as prices remain the samne or fall
  • slump describes a recession that lasts for a considerably time and results in a long term reduction in the level of production of goods and services in a country
    signs of slump are ;
    increasing unemployment
    fall in demand for good and services
    reduced consumer spending
    inflation remaims low
  • an economy usually goes in recovery after a slump
    it is marked by ;
    • an increase in consumer spending
    • increased production
    • falling unemployment
    • infaltion and interest rates stop falling but remains low
  • postive impacts of ecnomic growth
    • econonomic growth lead to increased employment
    • goverment income increases due to increased employemnt
    • foreign inward investemt increases
    • there is an increase in entrepuener activity
    • fewer irish people and families are living in poverty
  • negative imapcts of economic growth
    • result in widening of the gap between rich and poor
    • output and emplyment in agriculture has has fallen
    • increased emphasis on work and meeting targets may result in less family
    • an ageing popultion can put a strain on the ecnomy as more and more people rely on state pension
  • positive impacts of economic growth on the enviroment
    • increased finance for the goverment
    • as the revenue of companies increase they will have more money to spend on pollution control systems
    • households will have more income availavle to sopend on inulation
    • the goverment will have more money available to give grants to buisness
  • negative impacts of economic growth on the enviroment
    • increase in use of natural resources
    • can lead to pollution from both factories and increased traffic congestin
    • increased production by increasing the risk of extreme weather events
    • increased waste
  • carbon footprint is a meaurement of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphereas a result of the activities of a particular individual country or organisation