influencing media

Cards (4)

  • Pressure groups
    Attempt to use the media to gain support for their cause, and try to get people to think favourably about them
  • How pressure groups use the media
    1. Use social media to try and get their message across
    2. Can put pressure on the government as they will want the support of the media
    3. If the government is seen to be weak on the issue the pressure group is highlighting, then the media may criticise them
  • Example of pressure group using media
    • The Daily Mail co-operated with a number of environmental groups to try and reduce the amount of plastic that British people use
    • Over ten years, they launched a number of campaigns, such as cutting down on plastic bags, the Great Plastic Pick Up and a number of front page articles, trying to put pressure on the government to change recycling policies
  • Use of social media has also been criticised as 'clicktivism', where people share hashtags and memes rather than actually doing something constructive