History p1 conflict and tension

Cards (51)

  • Clemenceau wanted Germany to accept war guilt and prevent future invasions.
  • Clemenceau was unhappy with the reparations for the tov in 1919 june
  • France took control of the german saar coal fields
  • Germany's army was reduced to 100,000
  • The German Rhineland was demiliterised
  • David Lloyd George wanted to squeeze the Germans till their pips squeak however in private wanted peace.
  • Lloyd George was worried the reparations would damage future trade.
  • Lloyd George was happy they kept naval supremacy ( Germany only had 6 battleships).
  • Germany's overseas colonies went to Britain.
  • The reparations were 6.6 billion.
  • Woodrow wilson wanted a fair treaty with 14 points to get it there.
  • Two examples of the 14 points would be , self determination and freedom of the seas.
  • The US senate voted against the LON because of isolationism.
  • Germans hated tov because they felt defenceless and they had no say in the diktat, war guilt it was overall seen as unfair
  • Germans knew that 6.6 billion would damage future trade
  • Reparations failed payments meant France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr this leads to hyperinflation crisis in 1923.
  • Germany had no air force, tanks, submarines and only had 6 battleships Germans felt vulnerable.
  • Later Hitler won support as he promised to break the treaty by use of conscription and the Anglo-German naval agreement. He even wrote this in Mein Kampf
  • the Saar land was in the possession of the league for 15 years.
  • Later Hitler won support with promises of reuniting lost German speakers.
  • League's powers were Moral Condemnation, Economic Trade Sanctions and Military Force.
  • League success's were , end to slavery in Sierra Leone and aiding refugees with camps at the end of WW1.
  • 1921 the league solved the Aaland crisis between Finland and Sweden, Finland kept the islands but built no military bases.
  • 1921 League also solved crisis between Germany and Poland over Upper Silesia with a vote.
  • 1923 League showed it's weakness with the failure to prevent the Invasion of Corfu by one of the league's leading members, Mussolini.
  • Due to the depression and tariffs damaged the Japanese trade of silk.
  • Japan invaded Chinese Manchuria following an explosion on the railway called the Mukden incident.
  • League takes a whole year to publish the Lytton report (1932) only features Moral condemnation.
  • Mussolini invaded African Abyssinian to build an Empire.
  • Britain and France prioritised economic trade during the depression then their commitment to the League.
  • B and F kept the Suez canal open to and despite sanctions they still sold oil and coal to Italy to protect jobs at home.
  • B and F also wanted to appease Mussolini because he was a part of the Stresa-front which was opposition to Hitler.
  • the pact which betrayed the league was the Samuel Hoare and the Pierre Laval pact.
  • if the league of nations essay comes up the 3 factors would be absence of USA, selfish actions of b and f and organisation.
  • for organisation the league met up every year and all decisions had to be unanimous and 4 leading members had the veto
  • For absence of USA , league could really only use one power as trade sanctions would no longer be effective and they weren't able to use military force without USA.
  • Hitler's foreign policies were breaking the tov , reuniting German lost speakers and rearmament of the German military and invading east for lebensraum.
  • in 1933 Hitler left the LON , 1934 Hitler failed to unite Austria and Germany after murder of Austrian leader, Dollfuss. And Mussolini stopped him due to the Stresa front.
  • 1935 Hitler introduced conscription, which was against the tov , 1935 Anglo naval agreement, Britain (through appeasement) let Germany build their navy to 35% of British navy.
  • the Saar plebiscite vote is in 1935 and 90% of Saarlanders voted to reunite with Germany.