Link is an element of network pertains to the connectionbetweenactors and it defines the relationshipamongactors
Actor pertains to individuals of collectivity; it can be human or nonhuman
Network is an idea of connectionbetweenentitiesinspace
Network is a system in which elementsareconnectedtootherelements in systematicway
Network contains setofobjects and a mapping or description of relationsbetweenobjects and nodes
Flow is an elementofnetwork pertains to the thingsbeingexchanged by the actors; it can be information, knowledge, attitude
Criticalthinking is methodologicalanalysis of reasoning
Critical thinking is about understanding of the implicationofdata to reasoningprocess
Critical Thinking is a formofhigherorderthinking skills which controls reflective thinking that draws on lower order of cognitive processes like perception, attention, and memory
Characteristics of Critical Thinking
Concerned with correct reasoning
Deals with coherence of the structure of reasoning and the relevance of its content