method of interveiwing eyewitnesses to help them retrive more acuratememories
techniques based on evidence-based psychological knowledge of human memory
Techniques of cognitive interveiw
Report everything
Reinstate the context
Reverse the order
Change perspective
Report everything
Witnesses are encouraged to include every singledetail of the event, even if it seems irrelevant or the witness doesn't feel confident about it. Details may trigger other important memories
Reinstate the context
Witness should return to the original crime scene in their head and imagine the environment. Eg. what the weather was like, what they could see, their emotions- whether they were happy or bored etc. This is related to context- dependent forgetting
Reverse the order
Witnesses should recall the event in a different order eg. end to begining or middle to end. This is done to prevent people from reporting their expectations of how the event must have happened rather than reporting the actual events. Also prevents dishonesty
Change perspective
Witnesses hould recall the incident from other people's perspective. Eg. how it could have appeared to other witnesses or the perpetrator. This is done to disrupt the expectations and also the effect of schema on recall. The schema you have for a particular setting eg going into a shop genertates expectations of what would have happened and its the schema tha is recalled rather than what actually happened.
Enhanced cognitive interveiw (ECI)
Fisher et al (1987)
developed additional elements of cognitive interveiw to focus on the social dynamics of the interveiw
eg. interveiwer must know when to establish eye contact and when to stop it
ECI includes ideas such as reducing eyewitness anxiety, minimising distractions, getting the witness to speak slowly and asking open-ended questions
A03- research support for cognitive interveiw
eveidence that it works
meta-analysis --> combined data from 55 studies comparing CI and ECI with standard police interveiw
CI gave 41% increase in accurate info compared to standard interview
Only 4/55 in the analysis showed no difference between types of interveiw
shows CI is effective
A03- counter of research support
researcher found increase in amount of inaccurate information recalled by p's
mostly in ECI
CI may sacrifice quality of EWT(eg. accuracy) in favour of amount of details
means police officers should treat eyewitness evidence from CI/ECI with caution