the process of digestion

Cards (7)

  • Ingestion is the process of eating food. 
  • Mastication is the process of mixing the food with the saliva. This process typically involves chewing. 
  • Deglutition  is the process of moving the food from the mouth down through the esophagus and into the stomach. 
  • Digestion is the process of breaking down food and preparing them for absorption through the intestinal wall and used by the cell. 
  • Absorption is the process of passing the broken food through the intestinal wall into the blood stream where either blood cells or lymph cells retrieve the nutrients and carry them off.
  • Peristalsis is the action of waste, referring in particularly to the motion made by the intestinal tract.
  • Defecation is the final process in the digestive system which removes solid solid waste product in the form of fecal matter from the body.