The child finds pleasure in bowel movement where he or she obtains pleasure from holding or moving his or her bowels. The focal body part is the anus. Through toilet training, the child learns how to regulate bowel movement.
Phallic Stage
The focal point of pleasure is the child's genitals. The child develops his or her sexual identity and sense of right and wrong.
Latency Stage
Sexual pleasure is inactive and the child's focus is on same sex peers, sports, and activities in school.
Genital Stage
Surge of sexuality where the focus is on the opposite sex and pleasure from his or her genitals.
Psychosexual development stages
Anal Stage
Phallic Stage
Latency Stage
Genital Stage
Ages of psychosexual development stages
Birth to 2 years
2 to 3 years
3 to 6 years
6 to 12 years
12 to 18 years
Fixation in Anal Stage
The child will develop into an adult whose personality is excessively focused on power, hygiene, or someone who is very cluttered and untidy.
Fixation in Phallic Stage
The child will develop into an adult who has confusion with his or her sexual identity or someone who has unusual sexual preferences.
The starting point of a person's most basic needs and desires, and the most primal aspect of personality. It is totally unconscious.
Its onset is in the initial years of a child's life and is the most related to reality. It makes sure that the desires of the id are gratified through means that are pragmatic, harmless means that are within bounds of societal norms.
It is the part that decides whether something is right or wrong, good or bad based on our parents, family, and society's morals and standards of behavior.
Freud developed a model of the human mind which, he said, was mostly made up of unconscious compulsions and motivations.
Personality, according to Freud, is developed in childhood.