Shaffer's stages of attachment:

    Cards (3)

      • good external valdity
      • Obsesrvations made by parents (through not stranger anxiety) during ordinary activities and was reported to the researchers
      • alternative would be having researchers observe the babies behaviour
      • could make them anxious or distracted
      • means that observations recored had babies behaving naturally
      • Problems asking parents to be observes
      • they may have not been objective observers may have been biased in what they observed and what they recorded
      • parents might not notice show signs of anxiety or misremembered it
      • though babies behaviour is natural the data collected may not be accurately reported
    • STRNGTH:
      • Application to day care
      • Asocial and indiscriminate daycare is straightforward as they can be handled by skilled adult
      • Research tells us that starting day care with an unfamiliar adult may be problematic during the specific attachment stage
      • parents use of day care can be planned using Shaffer and Emersons stages of attachment
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