Discuss schaffers stages of attachment

    Cards (13)

    • Shaffer + Emerson study
      • Schaffer and Emerson (1964)
      • The Glaswegian baby study
      • collected the data of 60 babies and their families
      • Visited every month for first year
      • via observations and interviews
      • with a follow-up visit at 18 months
      • From this they developed 4 stages of attachment
    • what is stage 1 of attachment
      Asocial stage - first few weeks of life
    • what is the asocial stage

      • Babies recognize and bond with their caregiver
      • responding to objects and humans similarly.
      • Some preference for familiar adults exists.
    • what is stage 2 of attachment
      Indiscriminate attachment stage
      2-7 months
    • what is indiscriminate attachment

      • Babies will display a preference towards people compared to inanimate objects.
      • They recognise and prefer familiar humans and usually accept cuddles and comfort from any adult .
      • They do not usually show separation anxiety or stranger anxiety
    • what is stage 3 of attachment
      specific attachment stage
      7 months
    • what is specific attachment

      • the majority of infants start to display stranger anxiety and separation anxiety.
      • They have formed a specific attachment to the person who best responds to the infants needs and signals
    • what is stage 4 of attachment
      multiple attachments stage
      10 months
    • what is multiple attachments

      • primary caregiver attachment gets stronger, forms secondary attachment 
      • infants had a secondary attachment within a month of forming a specific attachment.
      • the majority of infants have formed multiple attachments.
    • A03
      Strength - good external validity

      • they carried out the observations in the babies home whilst parents carried out normal behaviour with the babies.
      • therefore the behaviour of the babies was likely to be unaffected by the observers.
      • giving this good ecological validity
    • A03
      Limitation - Culture bias
      • there could be culture bias.
      • Van Ijzendoorn found that culture plays a part in how and when we form attachments and with whom.
      • In many non western societies, babies have multiple carers, as this is the norm and so multiple attachments are formed earlier.
      • Again, this suggests his stages may not be a valid explanation of attachment across different societies
      • so lacks generalisability.
    • limited sample size
      only done on 60 Glasgow babies from the same social class. this is a limitation because it is not getting data that is representative of everyone. therefore we cannot generalise this data
    • limited behavioural categories
      Schaffer and Emmerson only measured attachment in separation and stranger anxiety. attachment is too complex to be simplified to these two components, making it reductionist
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