This is where one party entered a contract as a result of pressure, which deprived that party of independent judgement. This typically happens in relationships of trust (Allcard v Skinner)
Tests for economic duress
The key requirements for economic duress are:
Pressure where the practical effect of which is that there is compulsion on, or lack of practical choice for, the victim.
Pressure which is illegitimate.
Pressure which is a significantcause in inducing the claimant to enter the contract.
Remedies of Economic Duress
Wherever you find economic duress, this will make a contract voidable.
If you are wanting to make a claim for economic duress, you will not get an award of damages.
Instead, the Courts will make an order of restitution of property or money.
Restitution is an equitable remedy which restores a person to the position they would have been in if it not for the improper action of another.