Social policies

Cards (9)

  • What are social policies?
    Government actions that aim to improve the well-being of society
  • What type of data is used to find trends for social polices?
    Quantitative data
  • What type of data is sued to find causes and effects for social polices?
    Qualitative data
  • Who was both a sociologists and a social policy maker?
  • What is an example of sociology leading to a social policy?
    Poverty research leading to welfare programs
  • Who did research into poverty to aid the welfare state policy?
  • What do new-rights argue about the welfare state and social policies?
    That the welfare state has led to a state of dependency and sociology shouldn't impact social polices
  • What does Weber argue about social policies and sociology?
    That sociology shouldn't be used to make value judgments on social polices but instead show the costs and benefits of the polices
  • What does Giddens argue about social policies and sociology?
    That sociology can allow for evidence based polices to be made by looking at individuals and providing a world perspective