Pairing the sound of a bell (neutral stimulus) with food (unconditioned stimulus) resulted in dogs producing a salivation response (conditioned response) at the sound of the bell (conditioned stimulus)
An animal would move around the cage, and when it pressed the lever (by accident), it would be rewarded with a food pellet. The animal would learn, through positive reinforcement, that each time it pressed the lever, it would be rewarded with food.
Behaviourists believe that all behaviour is learned and that humans have little choice in their behaviour, as it is simply the product of environmental learning
Children were exposed to an adult model either behaving aggressively or non-aggressively towards a Bobo doll, and then the children's own behaviour towards the Bobo doll was observed
Uses non-invasive brain scanning techniques like PET and MRI to understand which parts of the brain are active while specific internal mental processes are being used
Brain imaging techniques have also been successful in establishing a link to certain mental health disorders, such as the association between obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and the parahippocampal gyrus
The expression of genes which results in the observable characteristics of a person, influenced by both genetic inheritance and interaction with the environment
Father of experimental psychology, set up the world's first psychological laboratory The Institute of experimental psychology in Leipzig, Germany in the 1870s and produced the first academic Journal that published psychological experiments
Wundt's participants were 1) trained to report conscious experiences objectively, 2) asked to focus on a sensory object, and 3) asked to systematically report their experience breaking their thoughts into separate elements
Wundt's use of inferences influenced cognitive psychologists, these researchers asked participants to complete tasks under experimental conditions and made inferences about the structure of internal mental processes like memory and attention
They argue it is only possible to study scientifically what can be directly observed and measured, including what you do to a creature (stimulus) and the resulting behavior (response)
They argue the mind cannot be directly observed so it is a black box that is not suitable for scientific study