Bahrick et al - duration of LTM

Cards (5)

  • Bahrick (1975)

    Investigated the duration of long-term memory using 392 American university graduates
  • Bahrick's study
    1. Participants shown photographs from high-school yearbook
    2. Participants given group of names and asked to select name matching photograph
  • 90% of participants correctly matched names and faces 14 years after graduating
  • 60% of participants correctly matched names and faces 47 years after graduating
  • Evaluation of Bahrick's research
    • Used a sample of 392 American university graduates, therefore lacks population validity
    • Unable to generalise results to other populations (e.g. UK, Europe)
    • Unable to explain whether long-term memory becomes less accurate over time due to limited duration or other factors like age
    • High levels of ecological validity as used real life memories