If calculated value is less than sig level, reject H0
Percentile px = x(n+1) / 100 where n is population total and x is wanted percentile
Explanatory variable is the independent variable
response variable is the dependant variable
what is a census?
when you measure every member of the population
What is a sample?
when you select a certain amount of people from a subset of a population
Samplingunits are the individuals of a population
Samplingframe is a numbered list of sampling units
Simple random sampling requires a sampling frame and is when you use a computer to generate random numbers until filled sample.
Systematic sampling is when you take every certain number from sampling frame. population / sample size gives the every nth person you should choose. Random number generator for first person in 1-n. add n each time.
Stratified is when the population is divided into mutually exclusive data. accurate proportions. N sampled in stratum = no. In stratum/population. X sample size. Then SRS in stratum
Quota sampling reflects characteristics of a whole pop. Divide sample into groups by characteristics, the proportion of group determines the size of characteristics out of whole population. Fill all quotas. bias
Opportunity or convenience sampling is when you sample people there at the time. when it’s convenient to you.