kotters and schlesinger overcoming resistance

Cards (12)

  • kotters & schlesinger's overcoming resistance to change
    *solutions to overcome resistance to change
  • education and communication
    *raise awareness of reasons for change and how it'll be carried out, providing more accurate information
  • education and communication method
    *discussions, presentations and reports aiming to communicate reasons for planned change and identify benefits for business and individuals
    *may take time to convince people
  • participation and involvement
    *involving key stakeholders in design and implementation of change
    *if they participate, they feel more involved as they have more sense of ownership and their ideas form part of change
  • facilitation and support
    *helping employees deal with the fear of change, supporting them to have the skills and resources they need to cope with change, so they can accept it
  • facilitation and support method
    *listening to concerns of workforce by holding regular meetings
    *support groups - helps workers overcome anxiety
    *provide training for workers who will require new skills
  • negotiation and agreement
    *allowing workers to negotiate/bargain and compromise to find full agreement
    *change may be slightly different (possibly better) than originally intended
  • negotiation and agreement method
    *financial/non-financial incentives may be required to obtain full acceptance of change
    *if full agreement cannot be made voluntary redundancy or early retirement can be offered
  • manipulation and co-option
    *offering rewards to win over key influential people who then get others to agree to change
  • manipulation and co-option method
    *providing manipulated info about change (eg exaggerate extent of financial crisis and state there's no other option)
    *giving employee resisting change a desirable role in decision-making process
    *if its found out that information was manipulated, there could be a loss of trust
  • explicit and implicit coercion
    *if other methods are not successful/possible, change may be forced
    *over time workers should change their behaviour and come to accept the change if it proves successful
  • explicit and implicit coercion method
    *losing out on promotion opportunities
    *transfers to other departments