Cards (6)

  • KF Case Study
    Supports Working Memory
  • KF
    • Suffered brain damage from a motorcycle accident that damaged his short-term memory
    • Struggled to process verbal information
    • Visual memory was unaffected
  • Short-term memory
    Reduced drastically after the accident
  • KF's working memory capacity
    • Could only hold about two units of information (most people can hold around four)
  • According to the MSM, information flows from the STS to the LTS
    Because KF has almost zero capacity in his STS he should have an impaired ability to make new long-term memories. But this is not the case, studies on KF found that his long-term memory abilities were normal
  • Information was bypassing the STS and going straight to KF's LTS
    This challenges the MSM's claim that information flows from the STS to the LTS