Bowlbys maternal deprivation theory

    Cards (12)

    • Bowlby’s research was based on the idea that attachment is an innate behavioural system
    • What was Bowlby's general belief about maternal deprivation
      • Being separated from the mother in early childhood has severe consequences for emotional and intellectual development
    • What is the difference between separation and deprivation
      separation: Not in the presence of primary attachment figure

      deprivation: Loss of an element of care/ prolonged separation
    • What are the effects of maternal deprivation on intellectual development
      • Extended maternal deprivation during critical period will result in delayed intellectual development- low IQ
      • Adoption studies ( Goldfarb) found lower IQ in people who remained in institutions in comparison to people who were adopted
    • What are the effects of maternal deprivation on emotional development
      • Affectionless psychopathy: the inability to experience guilt or strong emotions for others
      • Associated with criminality- inability to feel remorse/empathy for victims
    • Describe Bowlby's 44 thieves study
      • consisted of 44 criminal teenagers accused of stealing
      • all thieves were interviewed for affectionless psychopathy
      • families were also interviewed to establish whether thieves had experienced prolonged separation from their mothers
      • compared to a control group of 44 non-criminal but emotionally disturbed young people
    • Describe the findings of the 44 thieves experiment
      14/44 were described as affectionless psychopaths
      12/14 had experienced prolonged separation from their mother at a young age

      only 2/44 of the control group had experienced prolonged separation
    • What conclusion did Bowlby draw from the 44 thieves study
      Prolonged early separation/deprivation caused affectionless psychopathy
    • Describe a limitation of Bowlby's maternal deprivation theory
      Flawed evidence
      • As he carried out the interviews himself he was open to bias as he knew in advance which teenagers he expected to show affectionless psychopathy
      • Bowlby was also influenced by Goldfarb's study on development of children in wartime orphanages- had problems with confounding variables
      • This means Bowlby's evidence for maternal deprivation had serious flaws and wouldn't be taken seriously today
    • Describe a counterpoint
      Research support ( maternal deprivation can have long-term effects)
      • Separating baby rats from their mother for as little as a day had permanent effects on their social development
    • Describe a limitation of Bowlby's maternal deprivation theory
      Deprivation vs Privation
      • Rutter pointed out that the long-term damage Bowlby associated with deprivation is more likely to be a result of privation ( failure to form any attachment in the first place)
      • Many of the children in the 44 thieves study had disrupted early lives and may have never formed strong attachments
      • Bowlby may have overestimated the seriousness of the effects of deprivation on a child's development
    • Describe another limitation
      Critical versus sensitive periods
      • Bowlby believed damage was inevitable if a child didn't form an attachment before 2 years
      • Yet the Czech twins (who experienced severe physical and emotional abuse from the age of 18 months to the age of 7 years old) were able to recover fully after excellent care
      • This shows lasting harm isn't inevitable even in cases of severe privation- critical period is more of a sensitive period
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