
    Cards (12)

    • Depression
      A mood disorder which is more than a few days of feeling down, but it lasts for an extended period of time
    • To be diagnosed under DSM, at least five symptoms need to be present during the same two week period
    • Severity of depressive symptoms

      Can vary from a low mood, to severe depression where an individual is suicidal
    • Behavioural characteristics of depression
      • Reduced activity
      • Weight loss or weight gain
      • Insomnia or hypersomnia
      • Fatigue or loss of energy
    • Emotional characteristics of depression
      • Low mood
      • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive/inappropriate guilt
      • Recurrent thoughts of death and ideas about suicide
    • Cognitive characteristics of depression
      • Difficulty concentrating
      • Focus more on the negatives and less on the positives
    • The sufferer will have a loss of interest or pleasure in nearly every day, all or almost all activities most of the day
    • The individual will have a depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day as indicated by themselves and/or others
    • The individual will feel worthless or have excessive/inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional)
    • The sufferer will have recurrent thoughts of death and ideas about suicide and may even attempt suicide
    • The sufferer will find it difficult to concentrate most days and may find it difficult to stay on task, which can interfere with their work
    • They will focus more on the negatives of a situation and ignore the positives and are more likely to recall unhappy events rather than happy ones
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