Q of a good demanded (per period of time) will fall as P rises and will rise as P falls, other things being equal (caterisparibus). Hence, there is an inverse rls between P and Qd
Mkt dd sch for a particular good simply by adding the Qd by each consumer at each of the P lv (horizontal summation). It is the sum of total of all ind cons dd sch.
Mkt dd curve : rls between P and Qd of a good in the mkt by all consumers of the good.
Due to law of dd, dd curve is dw sloping demonstrating the inverse rls between P and Qd
Height of dd curve measures the willingness to pay for a particular product.
Demand function : Qd = a - bP
Movement : point, shift : line
Increase in demand
Increase in price of substitution goods
Fall in price of complementary goods
Rise in income
Changes in tastes, preferences, and fashion in favour of the good
Increase in pop size
Cons expect futureprice inc
Q of a particular good which producers (or firms) are willing to offer for sale at a particular price, during some particular period.
Law of supply : P rises, Qs rises and vice-versa
Mkt supply can be obtained by adding up all the Qs by each producer at each P lv
Due to law of supply, supply curve is uw sloping, demonstrating the direct relationship between P and Qs
The height of supply curve measures the willingness to supply the product in the mkt
Supply function : Qs = c + dP
Increase in supply
Fall in prices of factors of production
Fall in the profitability of alternate goods
Increase in the number of firms/ producers in the mkt/ ind
Producers expect future price falls
A good season (agriculture good)
Improvement of technology
Eqm curves
Qd = Qs
Comp goods : supply inc, dd inc
Subt goods : supply dec, dd inc
Derived dd : dd inc, dd inc
Cons & Prod Surplus
CS : excess of willingness to pay (reservation price) - price paid by buyers
PS : price received by the sellers - willingness to sell (cost)