cold war 1980s-1991

Cards (23)

  • In this video, the aim is to capture the complexity of the Cold War in the last decade
  • The video is not attempting to fully explain every element or do justice to every incident
  • The aim is to convey the context, complexity, and overlapping of important events that were all part of the Cold War
  • The 1980s
    • The Soviet war in Afghanistan, the Soviets' own "Vietnam War"
    • Pro-democracy movements in Eastern Europe, especially in Poland with the Solidarity movement
    • The election of Republican president Ronald Reagan in the US, who reasserts US strength in the Cold War
  • Strategic Arms Limitation/Reduction Talks
    Began in 1982 with the aim of reducing nuclear weapons
  • As the arms talks progressed

    The US supported the anti-Sandinista movement in Nicaragua, supplying the Contra rebels to overthrow the left-wing government
  • The Soviet Union shot down a Korean Airlines flight

    This led to great tension between the West and the Soviets
  • There was a left-wing coup in Grenada that was quickly followed by a US invasion to overthrow it
  • In the early 1980s, the Soviets announced they were abandoning the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks and would increase their number of nuclear missiles that could reach the US
  • Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)

    A series of space-based satellites that would shoot down Soviet nuclear missiles before hitting the US, an attempt by the US to win the arms race
  • The US settled down on the SDI budget in 1985, challenging the Soviets to increase their defense expenditure
  • Mikhail Gorbachev becoming Soviet leader

    • Promised reforms like perestroika (restructuring the economy) and glasnost (openness and freedom of the press/opinion)
    • Saw the Soviet totalitarian system as unsustainable
  • Gorbachev announced a withdrawal from the war in Afghanistan in 1988
  • Gorbachev did not send troops to crush pro-democracy movements in Eastern Europe, emboldening further reforms
  • The East-West German border opened, the Iron Curtain tore open

    November 9, 1989
  • The East German government ordered the removal of the Berlin Wall
    November 10, 1989
  • East and West Germans chipped away at the Berlin Wall themselves, celebrating its fall
  • The Soviet Union and USSR announced an end to their Cold War issues
    December 1989
  • In 1988, Estonia became the first Soviet republic to declare independence, followed by Lithuania and Georgia
  • Communist leaders and military tried to overthrow Gorbachev, but failed as Boris Yeltsin came out against them

    August 1991
  • The Soviet flag was lowered from the Kremlin, and the Soviet Union ceased to exist

    December 25, 1991
  • The Iron Curtain ceased to exist, borders opened up, and Germany reunited
  • The pro-democracy movements in Eastern Europe, especially in Poland, led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and end of the Cold War