2d.Common_Plg_Opn_BSNL_CDA Rules

Cards (87)

  • BSNL CDA Rules
    Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
  • Learning Objectives
    • The CDA Rules
    • Schedule of Appointing, Disciplinary, Appellate and Reviewing Authorities in BSNL for Non-Executives
    • Schedule of Appointing, Disciplinary, Appellate and Reviewing Authorities in BSNL for Executives
  • BSNL CDA Rules: Introduction
    BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED framed total number of 61 Rules (Updated as on 05.11.2020) called as (BSNL) Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules-2006
  • Rule 1. Short Title and Commencement
    1. These rules may be called the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules, 2006
    2. They shall come into force with effect from 10th October 2006
  • Rule 2. Application
    These Rules shall apply to all the employees of the BSNL (except those employees who are governed by the Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946)
  • Rule 3. Definitions
    • Appellate Authority: Authority specified in the Schedule appended to these Rules, and empowered to function as such
    • Appointing Authority: Authority empowered to make appointments to the service, grade or post as the case may be to which the employee for the time being holds
  • Rule 4. General
    • Maintain absolute integrity
    • Maintain devotion to duty
    • Do nothing which is unbecoming of a Public Servant
    • Conduct at all times in a manner conducive to the best interest of the Company or which will enhance the reputation of the Company
    • Do nothing to lower the image of the Company in the eyes of public
    • Be courteous and prompt in his official dealings with the public
  • Rule 4(2)
    • Every employee holding a supervisory position shall take all possible steps to ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of all employees for the time being under his control and authority
    • No employee shall, in the performance of his official duties, or in the exercise of powers conferred on him, act otherwise than in his best judgment except when he is acting under the direction of his official superior
    • The direction of the official superior shall ordinarily be in writing. Oral directions to subordinates shall be avoided, as far as possible. Where the issue of oral direction becomes unavoidable, the official superior shall confirm it in writing immediately thereafter
    • An employee who has received oral direction from his official superior shall seek confirmation of the same in writing as early as possible, whereupon it shall be the duty of the official superior to confirm the direction in writing
  • Rule 4(3)
    • No employee shall indulge in any act of sexual harassment of any woman at her work place
    • Every employee holding a supervisory post shall take appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment to any woman at such work place
  • Rule 5. Misconduct
    • Theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with the business or property of the Company, or of property of another person within the premises of the Company
    • Taking or giving bribes or any illegal gratification or indulging in corrupt practices
    • Possession of pecuniary resources or property disproportionate to the known sources of income by the employee or on his behalf by another person, which the employee cannot satisfactorily account for
    • Furnishing false information regarding name, age, father's name, qualifications, ability or previous service or any other matter germane to the employment at the time of employment or during the course of employment
    • Willful insubordination or disobedience, whether or not in combination with others, of any lawful and reasonable order of his superior
    • Absence without leave or over-staying the sanctioned leave without sufficient grounds or proper or satisfactory explanation
    • Habitual late or irregular attendance
    • Neglect of work or negligence in the performance of duty including malingering or slowing down of work
    • Sabotage or damage to any property of the Company
    • Acting in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Company
    • Interference or tampering with any safety devices installed in or about the premises of the Company or violating the safety or environmental regulations in or about the premises of the Company
    • Drunkenness or riotous or disorderly or indecent behavior in the premises of the Company or outside such premises where such behavior is related to or connected with the employment
    • Gambling within the premises of the Company
    • Smoking within the premises of the Company where it is prohibited
    • Collection without the permission of the Competent Authority of any money within the premises of the company except as sanctioned by any law of the land for the time being in force or rules of the Company
    • Sleeping while on duty
    • Commission of any act, which amounts to a criminal offence involving moral turpitude
    • Absence from the employee's appointed place of work without permission or sufficient cause
    • Purchasing properties, machinery, stores, etc., from/or selling properties, machinery, stores, etc. to the Company without express permission in writing from the Competent Authority
    • Commission of any acts subversive of discipline or of good behaviour
    • Subletting or unauthorized use of Company's premises, equipment, tools or any other property of the company
    • Misuse of any amenity provided by the company
    • Participation and/or inciting others to participate in strikes, gherao, go-slow and similar other agitational activities, or abetting, inciting, instigating or acting in furtherance thereof
    • An act of sexual harassment of any woman at her work place
    • An act to lower the image of the Company in the eyes of the public
    • Tempering with or willfully damaging or falsification of Company's records, impersonation or forgery
    • Making representations in order to bring any political or any outside influence to bear upon any superior authority to further employee's interest in respect of matters pertaining to employment, postings or transfers
    • Making representation or sending grievance petitions to the Members of the Board of Directors or the Senior Officers except through proper channels
    • Attending or holding meeting other than in the course of duty within the Company's premises without prior written permission of the Competent Authority
    • Distribution or exhibition of any newspapers, handbills, pamphlets, etc.
    • Deliberately making any false statement before a superior knowing it to be false
    • Proxy registering of attendance or abetting in the act of registering attendance of another employee
    • Spreading or encouraging casteism, regionalism or communalism
    • Abetment of or attempt at abetment of, any act which amounts to misconduct
    • Spreading false rumors or spreading false information
    • Carrying on money lending or any other private business without the written permission of the Company
    • Habitual indebtedness or insolvency
    • Interference or riotous, disorderly, or indecent behaviour in the premises of the company
    • Writing of anonymous or pseudonymous letters or associating oneself in writing such letters in respect of Company affairs
    • Misuse of any advance or non-compliance with the provisions of terms and conditions governing grant of such advance as specified in the respective rules relating to the advance(s)
    • Misuse of official position by the employee in renting out their own premises to the Company
    • Obtaining donations/ advertisements/ sponsorship etc. by the associations/ NGOs formed by either employees or their spouse/ family members etc. from the contractors, vendors, customers or other persons having commercial relationship/ official dealings with the Company (BSNL)
  • Rule 6. Employment of near relatives of the employees of the Company in any Company or firm having business relationship with the Company

    • No employee shall use his position or influence directly or indirectly to secure employment for any person related, whether by blood or marriage to the employee or to the employee's wife or husband, whether such a person is dependent on the employee or not
    • No employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the competent authority, permit his son, daughter or any other member of the family to accept employment with any Company or firm with which he or she has official dealings or with any other Company or firm having official dealings with the Company
  • Rule 7. Joining of unlawful association by employees
    No employee shall join, or continue to be a member of an association the objects or activities of which are prejudicial to the interest of the Company or of the sovereignty and integrity of India, or Public Order or morality
  • Rule 8. Demonstrations and Strikes
    • No employee shall engage himself or participate in any demonstration which is prejudicial to the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the state, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality, or which involves contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence
    • No employee shall resort to or in any way abets any form of strike or coercion or physical duress in connection with any matter pertaining to his service or the service of any other employee of the Company
  • Rule 9. Connection with press or radio or television or other media
    • No employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the competent Authority, own wholly or in part, or conduct or participate in the editing or management of any newspaper or other periodical publication or electronic media
    • No employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the competent authority or in the bona fide discharge of his duties, publishes a book, participate in a radio/television broadcast or contribute any article or write any letter either in his own name or anonymously, pseudonymously or in the name of any other person to any newspaper or periodical or other vehicles of publicity, whatsoever
  • Rule 10. Taking part in political activities
    • No employee shall be a member of, or be otherwise associated with, any political party or an organization, which takes part in politics, nor shall he take part in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or activity
    • No employee shall canvas or otherwise interfere with, or use his influence in connection with or take part in an election to any Legislature or Local Authority
    • If any question arises whether a party is a political party or whether any organization takes part in politics or whether any movement or activity of the organization is subversive of the Government/Company by law established, the decision of the Government/Company thereon shall be final
  • Rule 11. Criticism of Government and/or of the Company

    • No employee shall, in any radio broadcast or telecast through any electronic media or in any document published under his name or anonymously, pseudonymously or in the name of any other person or under any pen name or pseudonym, or in any communication to the press or in any public utterances, make any statement which has the effect of adverse criticism of any policy or action of the Central or State Government or of the Company
    • No employee shall, in any radio broadcast or telecast through any electronic media or in any document published under his name or anonymously, pseudonymously or in the name of any other person or under any pen name or pseudonym, or in any communication to the press or in any public utterances, make any statement which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the Company and the public
  • Rule 12. Evidence before Committee or any other Authority

    • No employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the competent authority, give evidence in connection with any enquiry conducted by any person, committee or authority
    • Where any sanction has been accorded under sub-rule (1), no employee giving such evidence shall criticize the policy or any action of the Central Government or of State Governments or of the company
  • Rule 13. Unauthorized communication of information
    No employee shall, except in accordance with any general or special order of the Company or in the performance in good faith of the duties assigned to him, communicate, directly or indirectly, any official document or any part thereof or information to any employee or any other person to whom he is not authorized to communicate such document or information
  • Rule 14. Inventions
    An employee who, while in the service of the Company makes any discovery, invention or modification to any process or method or equipment resulting in improvement of the Company's services, operations and products, shall forthwith communicate the fact to the Company
  • Rule 15. Gifts
    • No employee shall accept or permit any member of his family or any other person acting on his behalf, to accept any gift
    • On occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals or religious functions, when the making of gifts is in conformity with the prevailing religious or social practice, an employee may accept gifts from his near relatives or from his personal friends having no official dealings with him, but he shall make a report to the competent authority if the value of any gift exceeds: Rs.2,000/- in case of Group 'D' and Group 'C' category (Non-Executives), Rs.5,000/- in case of Group 'B' and above up to JAG category, Rs.8,000/- in case of SAG and HAG category, Rs.10,000/- in case of CMD and Board Directors (Full Time)
  • Rule 16. Dowry
    No employee shall give or take or abet the giving or taking of dowry, or demand directly or indirectly from the parents or guardian of a bride or bridegroom, as the case may be, any dowry
  • Rule 17. Private trade or employment
    No employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the competent authority, engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business or undertake any other employment
  • Gifts that employees can accept
    • On occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals or religious functions, when the making of gifts is in conformity with the prevailing religious or social practice, an employee may accept gifts from his near relatives or from his personal friends having no official dealings with him
  • Monetary limits for accepting gifts
    • Rs.2,000/- in case of Group 'D' and Group 'C' category (Non-Executives)
    • Rs.5,000/- in case of Group 'B' and above up to JAG category
    • Rs.8,000/- in case of SAG and HAG category
    • Rs.10,000/- in case of CMD and Board Directors (Full Time)
  • No employee shall give or take or abet the giving or taking of dowry
  • No employee shall demand directly or indirectly from the parents or guardian of a bride or bridegroom, as the case may be, any dowry
  • Engaging in private trade or employment
    1. Obtain previous sanction of the Competent Authority
    2. Not engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business
    3. Not negotiate for, or undertake, any other employment
    4. Not hold an elective office, or canvass for a candidate or candidates for an elective office
    5. Not canvass in support of any business of insurance agency, commission agency, etc., owned or managed by any member of his family
  • Subletting and vacation of company accommodation
    1. No employee shall sublet, lease or otherwise allow occupation by any other person of company accommodation which has been allotted to him
    2. The employee shall, after the cancellation of his allotment of company accommodation vacate the same within time limit prescribed by the allotting authority
  • No employee shall approach directly or indirectly a foreign Government or a foreign organization for financial assistance for visiting a foreign country or attending a course abroad without the prior permission of the Company
  • Institutions with which employees can borrow/lend money in the ordinary course of business
    • Bank
    • Unit Trust of India
    • Life Insurance Corporation
    • Housing Urban Development Corporation
    • City Industrial Development Corporation
    • Housing Development Finance Corporation
    • Firm of standing
  • An employee shall avoid habitual indebtedness unless he proves that such indebtedness or insolvency is the result of circumstances beyond his control and does not proceed from extravagance or dissipation
  • An employee who applies to be, or is adjudged or declared, insolvent shall forthwith report the fact to his competent authority
  • Acquiring or disposing of immovable property
    1. Obtain previous knowledge of the competent authority
    2. Obtain previous sanction of the competent authority if the transaction is with a person or firm having official dealings with the employee or his subordinate
  • Monetary limits for reporting transactions concerning movable property
    • Rs.100,000/- in case of employees in the Non-Executive category
    • Rs.200,000/- in case of employees in the Executive category
  • Acquiring or disposing of immovable property outside India and transactions with foreigners

    Obtain previous sanction of the competent authority
  • A full-time Director or any executive/ employee involved in the decision making process of fixation of price of an IPO/FPO of shares of a Company shall not apply either himself/herself or through any member of his/her family or through any other person acting on his/her behalf for allotment of shares
  • Disclosure of transactions in shares
    All employees of the Company would be required to disclose to the company all transactions of purchase/sale in shares worth Rs. 20,000/- or more in value or existing holding/interest in the shares worth Rs. 20,000/- or more in his/her own company either in his/her own name or in the name of any family member to report to the Competent Authority* indicating quantity, price, date of transaction and nature of interest within 4 working days
  • No employee shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other outside influence to bear upon any superior authority to further his interests in respects of matters pertaining to his service in the Company
  • No employee shall enter into or contract marriage with a person having a spouse living
  • No employee having a spouse living shall enter into or contract a marriage with any person