Particle physics

Cards (60)

  • Proton
    • Charge of +1.6 x 10^-19 C
    • Mass of ~1.67 x 10^-27 kg
  • Neutron
    • Charge of 0 C
    • Mass of ~1.67 x 10^-27 kg
  • Electron
    • Charge of -1.6 x 10^-19 C
    • Mass of ~9.11 x 10^-31 kg
  • Proton number (Z)
    Number of protons in the nucleus, defines the chemical element
  • Nucleon number (A)
    Total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
  • Isotopes have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
  • Specific charge
    Ratio of the charge of a particle divided by its mass, measured in C/kg
  • The specific charge of the proton is ~9.6 x 10^7 C/kg
  • Nuclear forces
    • Gravity (weak)
    • Electrostatic repulsion (large)
    • Strong nuclear force (glues nucleus together)
  • Alpha decay
    1. Nucleus emits an alpha particle (2 protons, 2 neutrons)
    2. Decreases proton number by 2, decreases nucleon number by 4
  • Beta minus decay

    1. Neutron turns into proton, emits electron and antineutrino
    2. Increases proton number by 1, nucleon number stays the same
  • Antiparticle
    Has the same mass but opposite charge as the corresponding particle
  • Antiparticles
    • Electron has positron as antiparticle
    • Proton has antiproton
    • Neutron has antineutron
  • Rest energy
    Energy of a particle at rest, measured in MeV
  • Electron/positron rest energy is 0.511 MeV, proton/antiproton is 938 MeV, neutron/antineutron is 939 MeV
  • Photon
    Fundamental particle of electromagnetic radiation, with energy proportional to frequency
  • Annihilation
    When a particle and antiparticle meet, their mass is converted to photon energy
  • Photon energy
    Equals Planck's constant times the frequency
  • The maximum wavelength of photons produced in annihilation is determined by the rest energy of the annihilating particles
  • The minimum energy for pair production is that the energy of the photon has to be equal to at least twice the rest energy of the particles
  • Minimum energy for pair production (e_Min)
    Equal to twice the rest energy of the particles (2*e_0)
  • Minimum energy for pair production (e_Min)

    Can also be calculated as e_Min = hf = hc/λ
  • Fundamental forces
    • Electromagnetic force
    • Weak nuclear force (responsible for nuclear decay)
    • Strong nuclear force (holds nucleus together)
    • Gravity
  • Gravity is considerably weaker than the other three fundamental interactions and is often ignored in particle physics
  • There is no quantum theory of gravity yet, which is one of the holy grails of physics
  • Exchange particle/Gauge boson

    • Virtual photon for electromagnetic interaction
    • W+ and W- bosons for weak nuclear force
    • Pions for strong nuclear force
  • The electromagnetic interaction is carried by the exchange of virtual photons
  • The weak nuclear force is carried by the exchange of W+ and W- bosons
  • The strong nuclear force is carried by the exchange of pions
  • Gravity does not yet have a known exchange particle, the hypothetical particle is called the graviton
  • Virtual particles
    Real particles that exist for a very short time
  • Feynman diagram for electromagnetic repulsion
    1. Two electrons repel each other
    2. Mediated by exchange of virtual photon
  • Feynman diagram for beta plus decay
    1. Proton turns into neutron, positron, and neutrino
    2. Mediated by exchange of W+ boson
  • Feynman diagram for beta minus decay
    1. Neutron turns into proton, electron, and anti-neutrino
    2. Mediated by exchange of W- boson
  • Feynman diagram for electron capture
    1. Proton captures electron, turns into neutron and neutrino
    2. Mediated by exchange of W+ boson
  • Hadrons
    Particles affected by strong nuclear interaction
  • Baryons
    Hadrons with 3 quarks
  • Mesons
    Hadrons with quark-antiquark pair
  • Baryon number
    Quantum number conserved in reactions, baryons have B=1, mesons have B=0
  • Baryons are generally unstable, except for the proton