Measures of central tendency

Cards (10)

  • The general term for any measure of the average value in a set of data eg. the mean
  • Mode
    > Most common or popular number in a set of scores and there can be more then one mode in a data set
  • Mode AO3 -
    :) Easy to calculate, less prone to distortion by extreme values as it does not take into account all data
    > Unlike the mean which is highly influenced by extreme scores as it takes all data into account
  • Mode AO3 -
    :( Doesnt take into account of all scores so may be less accurate
    > Unlike mean which to takes into account all data. Moreover the mode may not be useful if there is more then one mode in a data set
  • Median -
    > Central/ middle score in a list of ranked scores
    > If there are two central scores, add together and divide by 2
  • Median AO3 -
    :) Easy to calculate and not affected by extreme values
    > Unlike the mean which is highly affected by extreme scores as it takes all data into account
  • Median AO3 -
    :( Not as sensitive as the mean as it does not use all scores meaning less useful results
  • Median AO3 -
    :( Not as sensitive as the mean as it does not use all scores meaning less useful results
  • Mean -
    > All scores added up and divided by the total number of scores
    > Used with interval data
  • Mean AO3
    :) Most accurate and sensitive measure of central tendency as it uses all the data sets
    > Unlike the median which does not take account of all data