holism proposes that it only makessense to study a whole system. For example, humanistic psychology focuses on experience which can't be reduced to biologicalunits,qualitative methods investigate themes
reductionism is based on the scientificprinciple of parsimony (all phenomena should be explained using the simplestprinciples). The 2 types of reductionism are
biological reductionism suggests that allbehaviour can be explained through neurochemical,physiological,evolutionary and/or genetic influences. For example, drugs that increaseserotonin are used to treat OCD. Therefore low serotonin may be a cause of OCD.
environmental reductionism proposes that all behaviour is acquired through interactions with the environment. For example, the learningtheory of attachmentreduces the idea of love (between baby and mother) to a learnedassociation between the mother (neural stimulus) and food (unconditioned stimulus) resulting in pleasure (conditioned response)
the reductionism's levels of explanation are:
socio-cultural level
psychological level
physical level
environmental/behavioural level
physiological level
neurochemical level
One limitation of holism is that it may lackpracticalvalue.Holisticaccounts id humanbehaviour become hard to use as they become morecomplex which presentsresearchers with a practicaldilemma. If many difference factorscontribute to say, depression, then it becomes difficult to know which is mostinfluential and which to prioritise for treatment. This suggests that holisticaccounts may lackpracticalvalue
One strength of reductionism is its scientific status. In order to conductwell-controlledresearch variables need to be operationalised (target behaviourbroken down into constituent parts). This makes it possible to conductexperiments or recordobservations in a way that is objective and reliable. This scientific approach gives psychology greater credibility, placing it on equalterms with the naturalsciences