-can dustinguish difference between familiar and unfamiliar people
what is the specific attachment stage?
-third attachment stage
-7 - 9 months
-distinguish difference between care givers and strangers
-separation anxiety
what is the multiple attachment stage?
-final attachment stage
-9+ months
-attachments develop with with other people (grandparents) although original attachment remains the strongest
attachment stages strengths
+ high ecological validity - observed in real life setting
+longitudinal study over 18 months
stages of attachment limitations
low population validity
may not be applicable to collectivist cultures such ass a Kenyan mother raising multiple children
Glasgow baby study
AIM: analyse infant interactions with care givers to establish if and when infants start to display separation anxiety
PROCEDURE: studied 60 babies for 18 months (longitudinal)
visited monthly
RESULTS: by 10 months old, most had multiple attachments and mother was main attachment figure for half the babies the they were 18 months and the father for the rest
CONCLUSION: being responsive (playing and communicating) is more important in attachment than physical care