
Cards (21)

  • Cyanobacteria are prokaryotes. Use chlorophyll A to capture energy from the sunlight as well as phycocyanin.
  • cyanobacteria: 3.46BYA in the apex chert in western Australia
  • Carbon isotopes of the cyanobacteria microfossils
    2 Species with 1 methane producer and 2 methane consumers
    indicate biomarker evidence of photosythetic orgs
  • silicafied cyanobacteria within the bitter spring formations 850MYA
  • STromatolites: microbial mats that form on the seafloor trough the accumulation of sediment
  • Stromatolite abundance peaks 1.25BYA declining with grazing evolution
  • BIF: banded iron formations
  • The great oxygeneation hypothesis states that the oxygenation of the atmosphere was the driving force behind the evolution of multicellularity
  • Algae are viridiplantae
  • Label me
    A) viridiplantae
    B) chlorophytes
    C) streptophytes
    D) land plants
    E) symposium of cyanobacteria
  • Chloroplasts contain thylakoids which house photosystems
  • ALgae are a polyphyletic group. They are a diverse group of organisms that are mostly unicellular and photosynthetic.
  • Brown algae are also called seaweeds, they are mostly unicellular and photosynthetic
  • Label brown algae structure
    A) Blade
    B) frond
    C) stipe
    D) Holdfast
    E) Gas bladder
  • Brown algae have chlorophyl C and fucoxanthin
  • Red algae have phycoethrin, a photochemical pigment that reflects red light
  • Coralline algae are found in coral reefs and have calcium carbonate deposites in the thallus
  • Green algae are unicellular or multicellular and photosynthetic. They are also called Chlorophyta.
  • Green algae are haplontic which means they are domin ated by their haploid phase (2n)
  • The great endosymbiotic event: The first eukaryotic cell formed by the endosymbiosis of a prokaryote
  • Primary endosymbiosis
    Free swimming cyanobacteria subsumed by eukaryotic cell.
    creates a double membrane chloroplast (cyanobacteria within bacterial cell)