
Cards (6)

  • Explanations for forgetting in memory
    • Interference
    • Decay
    • Retrieval Failure
    • Motivated Forgetting
    • Context-dependent Forgetting
  • Interference
    When new information conflicts with or disrupts existing information, it can lead to interference and make it difficult to retrieve information from memory
  • Decay
    Over time, memories fade and become less accessible, leading to forgetting
  • Retrieval Failure
    When people are unable to access information from memory, it can be due to a retrieval failure, such as not being able to recall a particular detail from a past event
  • Motivated Forgetting
    Sometimes people may intentionally or unintentionally forget information that is emotionally difficult or conflicts with their self-image
  • Context-dependent Forgetting
    People may find it difficult to recall information if they are in a different context than when the information was originally learned