Subdecks (1)

Cards (236)

  • AO1 Frameworks
    • Lexis
    • Adverbs
    • Verbs
    • Modal Verbs
    • Adjectives
    • Nouns
    • Pronouns
    • Conjunctions
    • Prepositions
    • Blends
    • Compounds
    • Acronyms
    • Initialisms
    • Eponyms
    • Articles
    • Graphology
    • Semantics
    • Grammar
    • Phonetics, Phonology and Prosodics
    • Pragmatics
    • Discourse
  • Adverbs - Manner
    How something happens, placed after main verb or object (i.e carefully)
  • Adverbs - Place
    Indicate an object's position in relation to another, many indicate movement in a particular direction (i.e below)
  • Adverbs - Time
    When an action happens, how long and how often (i.e finally)
  • Adverbs - Frequency
    How often an action happen, can also be an adverb of time (i.e always)
  • Verbs - Material
    Describing actions or events (i.e hit)
  • Verbs - Relational
    Describes states of being or used to identify (ie. be)
  • Verbs - Mental
    Describes perception, thought or speech (i.e think)
  • Verbs - Dynamic Processes

    Where there is change in state over time (i.e paint)
  • Verbs - Stative Processes

    Where the situation remains constant (i.e believe)
  • Verbs - Copulas
    A word or phrase that links the subject of a sentence to a subject complement, where the subject of the sentence does not physically perform the action and there is no object of the verb (i.e you smell nice)
  • Verbs - Progressive

    Describe continuous actions instead of a single instantaneous action (i.e was walking)
  • Verbs - Past Participles
    Verbs ending in -ed which are used in forming perfect and passive tenses (present and past tenses) (i.e looked)
  • Verbs - Present Participles
    Verbs that end in -ing that are used in forming continuous tense (i.e am working)
  • Verbs - Perfect Participles

    Verbs that show that the action they describe was finished before the action in the main clause (i.e after having finished)
  • Modal Verbs - Deontic
    Desire to do something, necessity of doing something in a certain way (i.e must)
  • Modal Verbs - Epistemic
    Speaker's evaluation and judgement of confidence in their opinion (i.e might)
  • Adjectives - Attributive
    Before the noun (i.e the fluffy clouds)
  • Adjectives - Predicative
    After the verb 'to be' or linking to verbs 'to become' or 'to seem' (i.e the clouds were fluffy)
  • Adjectives - Base
    Normal adjective (i.e big)
  • Adjectives - Comparative
    Comparing things to each other (i.e bigger)
  • Adjectives - Superlative

    Final stage of adjective (i.e biggest)
  • Nouns - Concrete

    Name of an object, something tangible (i.e wall)
  • Nouns - Common
    A general object (i.e car)
  • Nouns - Proper
    Name of a person/place (i.e London)
  • Nouns - Collective
    Name of a group of something (i.e sheep)
  • Nouns - Abstract

    Name of an emotion/feeling (i.e anger)
  • Pronouns - First Person
    Speaker, writer referring to themselves or a group with them in it (i.e me)
  • Pronouns - Second Person
    Person/people the speaker/writer is directly addressing (i.e you)
  • Pronouns - Third Person

    People/things the speaker is not directly addressing (i.e they)
  • Pronouns - Possessive
    Express ownership or possession over something/someone (i.e mine)
  • Pronouns - Reflexive
    When the subject and object are the same in a sentence (i.e himself)
  • Pronouns - Relative
    Introduces relative clauses that describe nouns or other pronouns and connect main and subordinate clauses (i.e who)
  • Pronouns - Reciprocal
    Someone/something performing an action on others and receiving the same same in return (i.e each other)
  • Pronouns - Demonstrative
    Refers to either a single person/thing or more than one person/thing (i.e these)
  • Pronouns - Interrogative
    Used to ask a question (i.e who)
  • Pronouns - Indefinite
    Doesn't specifically identify what they are referring to, can refer to an unknown person, general amount or a total/absence (i.e somebody)
  • Pronouns - Inclusive

    A group of people including the speaker (i.e we)
  • Conjunctions - Subordinate

    Connects main and subordinate clauses together (i.e because)
  • Conjunctions - Coordinate

    Connects words/phrases/clauses/sentences together (i.e FANBOY)