In an indefensible space, crime is more likely to occur.
In a defensible space - crime is less likely to occur.
This is due to
→ territoriality,surveillance, a safe image, a protected location.
CPTED : Crime Prevention Through EnvironmentalDesign.
This is in regard to surveillance - access - territoriality - maintenance (→ order maintenance / physical). This can create an environment where there are no opportunities provided by the physical environment to offend so we can design environments where crime is discouraged.
Territoriality - public, semi public, private properties - creates a sense of ownership. This creates a feeling of neighbourhood and encourages residents to exercise surveillance over the area of defensible space. This prevents unauthorised use of space by unintended users.
Surveillance - ability to see and be seen, to naturally observe their surroundings; created by uniquely designing buildings, activity locations and landscaping features that provide maximumvisibility linking to Rational Choice Theory. A concept based on the fact that criminals don't want to be observed since there would be higher likelihood of getting caught; the consequences outweigh the rewards.
Safe Image - design elements which create a positive image of safety and security. The idea being that if people perceive a place as unsafe they are unlikely to visit it or spend time there. If people feel safe then they will be more inclined to stay longer and enjoy themselves. This can also deter potential offenders from committing crimes.
Access - limited number of entrances and exits on a property; limits escape routes - guiding people from a space by effective use of the entry/exit points to minimise uncontrolled movement. Added barriers: fences, gates or landscape to control access may be used on the property (hedges, rivers).
Maintenance - Broken Windows Theory - if a property is well maintained, it shows that management cares for and will defend the property against crime. A badly maintained property may indicate that management isn’t concerned with the property and might overlook/ignore criminal activity. PHYSICAL
If a public space is ‘confused‘ or ambiguous its vulnerable to abuse. Official agencies need to continue to enforce rules and help defend the space. ORDER