Subdecks (1)

Cards (10)

  • ASBO (anti-social behaviour order)
    ASBOs were given out by local councils, not CJS
    • limit and correct low-level antisocial behaviour: swearing, vandalism
    • civil orders used to restrain a person from committing actions that threatened the legal right of another person
    • breaching an ASBO was a criminal offence, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.
  • ASBO examples
    • man banned from falling over
    • roaming pigs
    • trees: obstructing view
    • murder victim stayed out after curfew
  • CBOs - crime behavioural orders
    • lasts 2+ years for those age 18+
    • last 1-2 years for those ages 18-
    • rehabilitation > deterrence.
    • still punishable by 5- years in prison
    CBOs include negative requirements (can’t do xyz) and positive requirements (must do xyz) eg. enforcing drug treatment programmes, usually rehabilitation to support and reform the offender, not just to punish them.
  • Are ASBOs effective: Yes
    Yes - They were combined with parenting orders making them attend parenting lessons to get to the root of the problem regarding their children’s behaviour.
    Yes - Blair's Respect Programme: the orders were handed out to people of any age, not just exclusive to youths.
  • Are ASBOs effective: No
    No- they weren't intended to be administered against the young and weren't. Even though they were administered a lot, didn’t mean they were effective: an 87 year old was administered one for shouting at neighbours.
    No- When a person under 16 breaches an ASBO, a parenting order is made but in 2005, 60% of ASBOs administered were given to people over 18. They weren't intended to be given out to under 18s (or atleast focused on) but instead nosy neighbours + disorder while under the influence of drugs and alcohol.