The value in the central position of a data set. The median is calculated by ordering the values from lowest to highest and selecting the value in the middle. If there are an even number of data points, then the median is the halfway point between the two centre values.
The most frequent score in a quantitative data set. If there are two modes, the data is bi-modal, and if there are more than two modes, the data set is multi modal.
The range is the difference between a data set's highest and lowest values. To calculate the range subtract the smallest value in the data set from the largest.
The standard deviation is a complex calculation using all data points that produces a single value.
It shows how much variation there is from the "average" (mean). A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be veryclose to the mean, whereas high standard deviation indicates that the data are spread out over a large range of values.
Strengths: the mode is not distorted by extreme scores called outliers.
The mode is helpful for discrete numbers; for example, it can make more sense to say the average family has two children that 1.89 children.
Limitations: There can be no modes if everyvalue is different or multiple modes; this is especially likely in small data sets. This means in some cases, the mode does not give an exact average value.
Evaluation of median
Strengths: as the median is the central value, its calculation is not affected by extreme outlier scores.
The median is very easy to calculate.
Limitations: The median score does notinclude all of the values in its calculation, so it is not as sensitive as the mean measure of central tendency.
If there are an even number of data points, unlike the mode, the 'typical' value will be a number that is not one of the recorded values.
Evaluation of Mean
Strengths: all raw data points are used (represented) in calculating the mean. This means the mean is the most sensitive measure of central tendency.
Limitations: due to the sensitivity of the mean, the mean is distorted by extremely high or law value (outliers)
Evaluation of range
Strengths: the range is easy to calculate, especially compared to the alternative measure of dispersion, the standard deviation.
Limitations: extreme scores easily disort the value.
The range does not show if the scores are clustered around the mean or more evenly spread out.
Evaluation of standard deviation
Strengths: The SD includes all values in its calculation, making it more sensitive than the range.
The SD provides information about the spread of scores.
Limitations: Extreme scores also disort the SD.
The SD is significantly more difficult to calculate than the range.