Gabbert et al - Post-even discussion

Cards (6)

  • Leading questions
    A source of misleading information
  • Post-event discussion
    When witnesses discuss the details of a crime or accident following an incident, which can lead to misleading information
  • Gabbert et al. (2003) investigated the effect of post-event discussion on the accuracy of eyewitness testimony
  • Gabbert et al. study
    • Sample consisted of 60 students from the University of Aberdeen and 60 older adults recruited from a local community
    • Participants watched a video of a girl stealing money from a wallet
    • Participants were either tested individually (control group) or in pairs (co-witness group)
    • Co-witness group participants were told they had watched the same video, but they had actually seen different perspectives of the same crime and only one person had witnessed the girl stealing
    • Co-witness group participants discussed the crime together
    • All participants completed a questionnaire testing their memory of the event
  • 71% of the witnesses in the co-witness group recalled information they had not actually seen and 60% said the girl was guilty, despite not seeing her commit the crime
  • These results highlight the issue of post-event discussion and the powerful effect it can have on the accuracy of eyewitness testimony