When Stalin took over the USSR in 1929 it was dirt poor, 95% of the population were peasants, the USSR was pushed around by smaller countries and was weak and poor
When he died in 1953, the USSR was the joint first most powerful country in the world, had almost single handily defeated Nazi Germany, and was in control of all of Eastern Europe, including Poland
Up to 40million people died in the USSR under Stalin
Descriptions of Stalin
KilledMillions of Soviet Citizens
Murdered fellow Communists
Set up a Dictatorship
Ruled by Fear
Modernised the USSR
Built up an Empire in Eastern Europe
Defeated Hitler & thus saved the USSR
By the time he died the USSR was a Superpower with NuclearWeapons
Fulfilled Communism = it was NOT defeated in his lifetime
Was feared & respected
Some people think Stalin was actually poisoned by someone close to him
To stop him killing more people
Nikita Khrushchev
The leader of the USSR from 1953-1964, outgoing and a lot more relaxed than Stalin, was determined to make the USSR a better place to live, closed the gulags (prison camps in the USSR)
1. Khrushchev went about reversing many of Stalin's policies
2. In 1956 he made a secret speech declaring that Stalin was an evil ruler
3. He wanted to improve relations with the USA in order to save money (the Cold War was expensive)