
Cards (14)

  • Soul
    Craving for an escape, yearning for the presence of words
  • Ali's actions

    1. Strapped bag to back
    2. Prepared to risk life
    3. Resurrected lost soul
    4. Strolled across pile of books
    5. Ingested words that resonated with soul
    6. Cherished characters as only connections and bonds
    7. Believed the world was not for him
    8. Books gave incentive to live and flourish
    9. Words talked to him, read him, and truly saw him
  • Unknown: 'You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality'
  • Ali's actions
    Authorities spotted him
  • Ali's actions

    1. Scurried
    2. Heavy panting
    3. Entered compact brown single room library
    4. Placed hand on aureate covered book
  • Authorities confronted Ali
    Demanded he put the book back
  • Commotion outside the library

    Ali seized the opportunity and escaped
  • Soul
    Craving for an escape, yearning for the presence of words
  • Ali's actions

    1. Strapped bag to back
    2. Prepared to risk life
    3. Resurrected lost soul
    4. Strolled across pile of books
    5. Ingested words that resonated with soul
    6. Cherished characters as only connections and bonds
    7. Believed the world was not for him
    8. Books gave incentive to live and flourish
    9. Words talked to him, read him, and truly saw him
  • Unknown: 'You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality'
  • Ali's actions
    Authorities spotted him
  • Ali's actions

    1. Scurried
    2. Heavy panting
    3. Entered compact brown single room library
    4. Placed hand on aureate covered book
  • Authorities confronted Ali
    Demanded he put the book back
  • Commotion outside the library
    Ali seized the opportunity and escaped