A strong relationship between the degree of geneticsimilarity and sharedrisk of schizophrenia.Gottesman'slarge-scalestudy found those with anaunt with schizophrenia has a 2%chance of developing it, 9% for a sibling and 48% for an identicaltwin
Schizophrenia is polygenic which means that it requiresseveralgenes. Also, early researchlookedunsuccessfully for a singlegeneticvariation to explain schizophrenia
Schizophrenia can also have a geneticorigin in the absence of a familyhistory because of mutation in parentalDNA. The evidence of this comes from the correlationbetweenparentalage and risk of schizophrenia
Dopamine is featured in the functioning of brainsystemsrelated ti the symptoms of schizophrenia.Highdopamineactivity in subcortexassociated with hallucinations and poverty of speech.Lowlevels of dopamine in the prefrontalcortex could explainnegativesymptoms.Geneticvariations and earlyexperiences of stress make some peoplemoresensitive to corticalhypodopaminergia
One strength of biological explanations is it has strongevidence.Familystudies (e.g. Gottesman) showriskincreases with geneticsimilarity.Twinstudy found 33% concordance for monozygotic twins and 7% for dizygotic twins. Adoptionstudies show that biologicalchildren of parents with schizophrenia are at greaterrisk even if they growup in an adoptivefamily. This shows that some people are morevulnerable to schizophrenia because of their genes.
One limitation of biological explanations is evidence for environmentalriskfactors.Biologicalriskfactors include birthcomplications and smokingcannabis in teenage years. Psychologicalriskfactor include childhoodtrauma e.g. 67% with schizophreniareported at leastonechildhoodtrauma. This meansgenesalone cannot provide a completeexplanation for schizophrenia.
One strength is support for dopamine in the symptoms of schizophrenia.Amphetaminesincreasedopamine and mimicsymptoms.Antipsychoticdrugsreducedopamine and reduceintensity of symptoms.Candidategenes act on the production of dopamine or dopaminereceptors. This stronglysuggests that dopamine is involves in the symptoms of schizophrenia.
One limitation of dopamine is evidence for a centralrole for glutamate.Post-mortem and scanningstudies found raisedglutamate in people with schizophrenia. Also, severalcandidategenes for schizophrenia are believes to be involved in glutamateproduction or processing. This means that a strongcase can be made for a role for otherneurotransmitters in schizophrenia