Tulving claimed that there are three types of memory stores; Episodic, Semantic & Procedural.
Clive Wearing & Henry Molasion lost some type of LTM, but not others. This suggests we have different types of long Term memory stores.
Memories of events we've experienced = episodic
Semantic memory is memory of facts, definitions and knowledge
Semantic memory is not memory of a person's life
Episodic events are memories of experiences
Episodic & Semantic = Delarative memory
Procedural memory = non-declarative memory.
Support for Tulving's long-term memory model. Comes from Clive Wearing & Henry Molasion, each had damage to their episodic memory, but not their procedural memory.
Hippocampus - episodic
Temporal lobe - semantic memory
Cerebellum & motor cortex - proceedural
Squire & Zola people with damage to their temporal lobe have impairments to their semantic and episodic memory. This suggests that semantic and episodic may not be different seperate memory stores.