Bioenergetic- Chapter 4

Cards (10)

  • what is respiration ?

    the process of transferring energy from glucose which goes into every cell
  • respiration is exothermic as it transfers energy to the environment
  • what is aerobic respiration ?
    respiration using oxygen and goes on in both plants and animals. most reactions happen in mitochondria
  • what is anaerobic respiration ?
    respiration without oxygen. It is the incomplete breakdown of glucose making lactic acid. This happens during vigorous exercise when the body cannot supply enough oxygen
  • what is a by-product of anaerobic respiration ?
    lactic acid
  • anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast cells 

    plants and yeast cells can respire without oxygen but produce ethanol and carbon dioxide. Anaerobic respiration in yeast cells is called fermentation
  • what is oxygen debt ?

    Oxygen debt is the amount of oxygen needed to restore normal pre-exercise conditions in muscles.
  • what are reasons plants use glucose ?

    for respiration, making cellulose to make the cell wall strong, making amino acids glucose is combined with nitrate ions to produce amino acids which is made into proteins, stored as fats and lipids, stored as starch which is insoluble and makes it better for storing than glucose
  • what is a limiting factor in photosynthesis ?
    A factor that slows down the rate of photosynthesis, for example light or amount of carbon dioxide
  • what are the uses of respiration ?
    to build up larger molecules from smaller molecules, in animals to allow movement to contract, in mammals and birds the energy is used to keep the body temperature steady in colder surroundings