Catholic - Genesis

Cards (6)

  • Catholics believe God created world out of nothing (ex nihilo) - nothing existed before and he created everything - God is the creator as first verse in Bible says “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” Genesis 1:1
  • Only God can create ex nihilo as he’s omnipotent.
  • Belief God is sustainer as after creating the world he‘s still involved in the world - idea that everything in the world depends on God for it’s existence.
  • God created world in six days, rested on the seventh day - created animals and human beings imago dei - special place in creation as we have free will and a soul.
  • In Genesis creation story, humans are given authority to rule over all living things - humans are given the responsibility by God to be stewards and look after and preserve for future generations - in return for good stewardship, earth provides everything humans need to survive, don’t abuse resources, but live sustainably.
  • Genesis says human life is precious and sacred and humans have been created to have a close relationship with God and care for everything he created.