
Cards (38)

  • regular holy days allowed for rest, fun and family time, worship of the gods awell as political gains
  • Panathenaia - social reasons
    • to take a break
    • all members of the community took part
    • fosters unity in the city
    • fosters unity with subject states
    • chance to eat meat
  • Panathenaia - religious reasons
    • to honour Athenas birthday on the 28th hekaombaion
    • give athena the gift of a peplos
    • founded by theseus
    • to thank athena for being there city patron and gifting them the olive tree
  • panathenaia - political reasons
    • demonstrate athenian power to allies and enemies
    • enhance the prestige of athens
  • Panathenaia - day 1
    Musical contests
    • opened with a swearing in ceromony
    • held at the odeon of pericles
    • the diaulos and kithera were played as well as singing
    • Rhapsodic contests held - recitation or singing of the Homeric Hymns
    • prizes would be monetary
  • Panathenaia day 2
    Boy/Youth Athletics Competitions
    • only five events, pentathlon,boxing,wrestling,pankrateon
  • Panathenaia day 3
    mens athletics
    • procession to agora
    • men only
    • consisted of races in armour , wrestling and boxing
    • prize - panathenaic Amphorae
  • Panathenaia - mens athletics
    Diaulos-length of two stadiums
    hippios-length of four stadiums
    dolichos-long distance twenty four stadiums
  • panathenaia - other events
    • Pentathlon
    • wrestling
    • boxing
    • pankration - mixture of boxing and wrestling
    • race in armour
  • panathenaia day 4
    equestrian events
    • chariot races with 2 or 4 horses
    • mounted javelin
    • horseback races
    • races divided in 2 groups depending on the horses age
  • Panathenaia - day 5
    tribal events
    • only open to Athenians
    • Euandrion-male beauty and strength competition
    • Boat Race
    • Pyrrhic dance - a war dance accompanied by a Diaulos player, first danced by Athena
  • Panathenaia day 6
    • started the night before with the pannychis, which was an all night service to athena
    • a tribal torch race to the acropolis began the day
    • the procession began at the Dipylon gate and proceded along the panathenaic way
    • only citizens could enter the acropolis
    • the purpose of the procession was to gift athena a peplos
    • after the procession a hecatomb would be sacrificed and a feast would persue
  • Day 7 -Panathenia
    The Apobates - jump out of charito in armour and run alongside it
    THe boat race
  • Day 8 Panathenaia
    prize giving, including money,livestock and amphorae
  • Panathenaic prize amphorae
    painted with traditional black figure technique
    had depictions of your event and often images of athena
    had a pillar tih the eponymous archon inscribed on it
  • Every four years was the Great Panathenia
    focused on a grander procession
    a larger peplos was mad which was processed on the bough of ship float
  • social reason City Dionysia
    take a break from work
    chance to eat meat
    chance to watch plays
  • Religious regions
    to honour dionysus
    celebrate the journey he too from athens to eleutherae
  • politcal reasons for the city dionysia
    enhance the prestige of athend
    provide employment
    shows of athenian culture and talents
  • preperation for the city dionysia the summer before
  • the eponymous archon selected the choregoi, who would fund the play. if the play was good it would boost there reputation
  • the night before the city dionysia
    meant to reenact dionysus first arrival in athens
    wooden stature of Dio brought in from the shrine outside athens
    processors would hold up phalloi on a stick
  • DAY 1 city dionysia
    dithyrambic contests
    sacrifices feasts
  • Day 2 city dionysia
    opening ceremony
    judges selected at random and swore an oath of impartiality
    parade of tribute
    proclamation of honours
    parade of orphans
    5 comedies
  • Day 3,4
    3 tragedies followed by a satyr play
  • day 5
    wrote there order of merit on a tablet from best to worst
    these were placed in an urn
    the first 5 tablets were pulled out and the playwright with the most votes was declared the winner
  • social reasons lupercalia
  • religious reasons
    honour lupercus
    honour romulus
  • political reasons lupercos
    celebrate the prestige of rome
  • lupercalia lasts one day
  • lupercalia sacrifice
    priests gather in the cave sanctuary invthe palentine hill
    luperci(priests of lupercos) perfomred a private sacrifice of goats and a dog
    they then performed a sheep ritual
    young men would laugh
    read the entrails
  • lupercalia
    following the private sacrifice was a race in public, the lupercai would run around wearing goatskin and wipping people supposedly granting fertility
  • social reason for the saturnalia
    involved a great feast at the expense of the state
    brief moment of equality
  • religious reasons for the saturnalia
    to honour saturn the ancient god of sowing and seed
    to mark the winter solstice
  • political reasons
    celebrating the prestige of rome
  • saturn ruled over italy in a golden age of equality
  • length of the saturnalia depended on the current emperor
  • first day saturnalia
    uncovered head sacrifice
    followed by a public feast
    business was suspended
    privates feasts
    everyon involved (even slaves)
    masters and slaves would swap roles
    promoted equality
    gifts were given