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  • a blood sacrifice is the offering of a victims blood to the gods or the dead
  • victim - the animal that was chosen to be killed for a sacrifice. most houses would sacrifice small animals, however cities would not hesitate to sacrifice cows for a feast
  • libation - a liquid offering to the fods by pouring it on the ground e.g wine milk and oil
  • votive offering - small gifts or tokens offering to the gods
  • hecatomb - a sacrifice in honour of a god of a hundred oxen
  • burning the victim - the god derives pleasure from the smoke as it rose to mount olympus
  • offerings of grain fruit and cakes were made
  • ritual slaughter of a victim - different gods preffered different animals to be sacrificed to them
  • 3 main parts to the sacrifice -
    the preparation
    the kill
    the sharing of the meat
  • greek preperation
    participants would clean themselves as to not pollute sacrifices, wear there best clothes and wear garlands of leaves and twigs
    the animal would be prepared by guilding its horns and decorated with garlands
    attendants would carry baskets of barley and oats - basket also had the sacrificial knife
    the victim would be processed by water bearers and musicians trying not to startle the bull
    once it arrived they would cleanse themselves light a fire and pour water on its head so it nods for consent.
    a woman had to be present
  • greek kill
    sacrificer would cut some of the victims hair and throw it into the fire
    the sacrificer would slit the victims throat and the blood would be collected in a bowl
    the women would cry / perform an ululation to mark the passage to the afterlife
  • grain used in acrifice to throw into the fire to show the participants
  • greek sharing
    the gods received their portion of thigh bone wrapped in fat and wine
    once the gods were satisfied the entrails were read
    the remaining meat cut and shared amongst the participants then the remaining shared with the community
    rare opportunity to eat meat
    the animal skin donated ot the temple
  • roman preparations
    participants dressed up in best clothes and cleaned themselves - no garland
    animal decorated
    items gathered - official popa and cultraris and mola salsa
    priest would veil his head with his toga in the procession accompanied by a flue player - no women
  • roman kill
    sprinkled mola salsa on animals head followed by wine to make the victim nod
    then struck with a popa to daze it would slit its throat
    no ululation
  • roman sharing -
    utter a prayer
    entrails read
    cooked meat offered to the gods
    first the priests ate then senate then citixens
  • why eat meat
    rare chance to eat meat
    prometheus tricked zeus into choosing the bone wrapped in fat
    dont want to waste meat
  • what was the point of sacrifices
    get the gos approval
    give thanks to the god
    ensuring something wont or will happen
    the gods did not necessarily return the favor
  • gods preferred sacrificial animals
    apollo - donkey
    demeter - pig
    hecate - black dog
    poseidon - horse
    asclepius - rooster
    everyone else oxen
  • thysia
    any animal gender
    slaughter over the altar
    blood collected
    offer thigh bone wrapped in fat - the rest eaten
  • sphagia
    done at sunset
    female animals only
    slaughter over a low altar or on the ground
    blood allowed to seep into the ground
    offering burnt whole - holocaust
  • human sacrifice was the greatest sacrifice