
Cards (21)

  • greek priests
    priestess's for goddess - hiera
    priests for gods - hierus
  • roles of greek priests
    oversee state sacrifices
    ensure correct rituals followed
    supervise ceremonial dressing of the cult statue
    care for the temple and sanctuary
  • ways to become a greek or roman priest
    ordinary citizens elected
    being a certain age
    being in a certain family
    buying there way into it
    special training not required
    not full time
    no physical defects allowed or dead chuldren
  • reasons to become a greek priest
    high honour
    special privileges e.g front row seets in theatre
    entitled to part of the profits from sale of skins
  • mantis
    greek fortune teller
    reads the entrails of a sacrificed victim
  • augar
    greek and roman soothsayer
    read the future by interpreting patterns in the birds
  • colleges were a group of roman priests
  • roles of roman priests
    uphold state religion by maintaining pax deorum
    saying correct prayer
    completing the appropriate sacrifice
    fulfilling priestly duties at festivals
  • reasons to become a roman priest
    increase political power
    special privileges
  • pontifex
    most important college of roman priests
    the leader the pontifex maximus was a lifelong role
    bridged the gap between mortals and gods
    protected temples
    regulated burials and inheritance
    supervised the religious calendar
  • vestal virgins
    there were six of them
    prestigious honour for girls selected
    pontifex maximus selected them
    between ages of 6 and 10 and had to be healthys
    30 years vow of chastity
    protected the sacred flame
    kept state documents
    made mola salsa
  • roman fortune teller - haruspex
    specialised in reading the entrails of animals at festivals
    noted how the animal fell
    examined the smoke of the burned animal
    became more popular as the practice became more complex
  • types pf prayer
  • prayers normally said to accompany a sacrifice
  • prayers
    hands held palms upwards or downwards in a prayerful gesuture
  • on would pray for themself or for others, for good or for harm, could be fulfilled or ignored by the gods
  • prayer is more of a case of drawing the attention of the God rather than a confession
  • curses can never be retracted
  • prayer
    call god
  • formal prayer
    in front of temple, with sacrifice
    detailed prayer
    in correct position
    at correct time of day for
  • Informal prayer
    In middle of battle during gains
    Simple Prayer
    promise of sacrifice