death and burial

Cards (22)

  • athenian law stated that if you came across a dead body you would throw 3 handfuls of dirt on it to perform a symbolic burial
  • the greeks believed that everyone should have a propper burial
  • greek
    the eyes and mouth closed
    the body washed perfumed and wrapped in white shroud
    a coin would be placed in the bodys mouth
  • greek
    the body would be laid out on a kline - this is known as the prothesis - this lasted two days and allowed mouners to pay there respect
  • greek
    death would create miasma so a bowl of water was placed outside the home
  • The women would lament by shaving their hair and dressing in black - the head mourner the wife or mother would be at the head of the body
    they would wail claw there faces chest and arms in a way to show physical grief
  • greek
    on the third day ekphora fromn the house to the burial ground
    the body carried by wagon or pallbearers
    would include women children family and musicians
    sometimes professional mourners were present
  • greek
    the body would be buried outside the city to avoid miasma - also stopped the spread of disease
    once the body reached the ground the body would be buried or cremated
  • greek
    pyre would be lit
    ashes would be collected in an urn and given to the family
    the urn would be placed in a shrine or grave
    the family would add gifts to the grave such s food or a family pet
  • depending on wealth a stele would be set up at the grave
    a family would pay a sculptor to carve an image of the deceased in life
  • a sphagia would take place where blood would soak into the ground
    a 30 day mourning period would follow, the family would visit the grave at 3 separate occassion on the 3rd 9th and 16th day
  • Lekythoi - a bottle of perfumed oil used for annointing the dead
  • The Anthestria
    Day 1 dithoiyia - the wine caskets would be opened and a libation would be poured to dionysus
    Day 2 choes
    feast and family poured wine on family graves
    Day 3 chytri
    families made offerings to hermes psychopomp - the dead would return to the underworld
  • the genesia - a day in late september atheniens would decorate the graves of ancestors are recently deceased with ribbons - offerings of food and blood sacrifices made
  • the romans believed that everyone should have a proper burial.
  • romans
    the eyes and mouth closed - the last breath is taken with a kiss
    those present call out the deceased name
    the body was then wrapped in its finest clothes
    coin placed in the bodys mouth and laid out in the atrium if the deceased was wealthy - lasted 8 days
    the women of the house lamented during this time by wailing and beating there chests
  • romans
    took place on the 9th day
    procession led from house to burial ground
    deceased carried by pallbearers or wagon
    included professional mourners and musiscians
    family members would wear masks of anscestors
  • the family's wealth decided the wealth of a tomb
    wealthy tombs
    a family tomb or individual tomb along the roadside along the city walls - final way to show off prestige some included a sitting area and elaborate sarcophagi
    the funery urns would be replaced in popularity by sarcophagi
  • poor roman tombs would be a hole in the gorund wirh a tube leading above ground to feed the dead
  • roman funeral clubs would ensure members would have a decent funeral - there would be meetups and a monthly subscription
  • The parentalia
    9 days
    temples closed and marriage forbidden
    day 1 blood sacrifice made by vestal virgins
    day 2-8 domestic offerings given to the dead
    day 9 the family would meet and share a meal allowing them to undo any wrongs
  • the lemuria
    3 days
    during this time temples closed marriage banned
    festival intended to ward of evil spirits by performing a ritual