That which is considered morally right or beneficial - e.g. helping someone when they need it.
That which is considered extremely immoral and wrong - e.g. hurting someone deliberately.
To accept that someone is sorry for what they have done, give up resentment and seeking revenge and move on. E.g. accepting someone’s apology for something they have done wrong.
The ability to make choices voluntarily and independently. The belief that nothing is already decided for humans. E.g. deciding what career or job a person will do.
Fairness; where everyone have equalprovisions and equalityofopportunity. E.g. everyone being able to have access to food and water.
Principles and standards determining whether actions are right or wrong. For example, deciding whether it is wrong to kill or not.
The belief that violence is unjustified and alwayswrong. E.g. Not fighting in a war.
A person’s individual, inbuiltsense of right and wrong. E.g. religious people believe this is given from God.
Pain or distress caused by illness, injury or loss which can be physical, emotional or spiritual. E.g. pain after losing a loved one.